QLD, Aqua, Industrial Services
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Discover the world of REMONDIS with its + branches and associated companies in more than countries across Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia.
Our process is disciplined, yet flexible
The complex challenges arising from water management require a flexible mindset, bespoke solutions and the ability to draw from a portfolio of tested technologies.
REMONDIS Aqua Australia has a flexible approach to its partnering including Public Private Partnerships (PPP), operator, contractor or joint venture models.
Pending solution requirements and scale, elements of these can interplay as a hybrid or transition at various times, including at contract milestones. REMONDIS Aqua has long-standing experience with each of these contract types in several countries.
Here in Australia, all of REMONDIS’ onsite activities comply with Australian waste water treatment standards and the state/territory specific plumbing codes.
Chain of custody processes are also aligned to legislations and our internal Business Management System (BMS) – our suite of procedures and policies for the whole of REMONDIS business, Australia-wide. Every site operation is periodically audited using the BMS for uniformity, integrity and site-specific process refinement.
ACT, NSW, QLD, SA, VIC, WA, National, Aqua, Energy from Waste, ETS, IMS, Industrial Services, Innovation, Medical, Announcement, Article
Sustainability Report 2023
NSW, QLD, SA, VIC, WA, National, Aqua, Collection, IMS, Processing, Announcement, Article
2024 Emerging Leaders Program