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Discover the world of REMONDIS with its + branches and associated companies in more than countries across Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia.
Our Coolaroo branch in Melbourne’s northern suburbs provides waste collection services for commercial and industrial customers. It contains a vehicle depot, a cardboard baling facility, an administrative hub for operations in Melbourne and our friendly customer service team.
Sales Representative
T 1800 860-512
Credit Team
T 13 73-73
Incidents & Environmental Complaints
T 1300 110-638
Our branch REMONDIS Coolaroo includes the following facilities:
REMONDIS Coolaroo provides waste management services to Melbourne’s northern suburbs, with a range of bin sizes and scheduling to suit individual needs. Our local waste collection and recycling services include:
Food organics
Garden organics
General waste
Cardboard and Paper
Co-mingled recycling
Construction and Demolition
REMONDIS Coolaroo offers sustainable paper and cardboard recycling solutions to help businesses reduce their environmental footprint and contribute to the circular economy. Used paper and cardboard can easily be recycled into new packaging, cartons, industrial paper, and newspapers- so our tailored services minimise your environmental footprint and allow your business to contribute to the circular economy.