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REMONDIS Somerton Liquid Processing Plant

REMONDIS Somerton Liquid Processing Plant (formerly the operations of Waste2Water Technologies) is located 21kms north of Melbourne’s CBD and specialises in processing liquid industrial waste, including regulated materials.


41-47 Freight Drive
VIC 3062 Somerton


Opening hours:
Commercial customers only

Customer Service

Credit Team
T 13 73-73

Incidents & Environmental Complaints
T 1300 110-638

Sale Representative
T 1300 009-298


Our branch REMONDIS Somerton Liquid Processing Plant includes the following facilities:

Liquid waste icon

Liquid waste processing

Depot truck icon

Septic tank pumpout

Depot truck icon


Liquid Processing Services

REMONDIS Somerton Liquid Processing Plant is the go-to tipping facility for EPA waste. Our focus is on industrial wash water management, including leachate, car and truck washings, stone cutting, rainwater, triple interceptor, effluent / septic pump outs and more. We also offer water recycling services to improve your business operations and environmental outcomes. With vast experience serving a wide range of industries, including but not limited to mining, oil and gas extraction and processing, infrastructure, construction, boring, solvents, heating and cooling oils, synthetics, and more, you can rest assured that your waste management is in capable hands.

Liquid waste icon

Industrial wash water

Waste water icon


Depot truck icon

Effluent / septic pumpouts

Industrial water icon

Triple interceptor

Our liquid processing plant can accept the following waste types


Sludges or slurries, including drilling muds containing hazardous substances.

Waste duty: Reportable priority waste


Sludges or slurries, including drilling muds other than item 102 under Schedule 5 of the Regulations 2021.

Waste duty: Priority waste


Leachate from waste treatment/disposal operations.

Waste duty: Reportable priority waste


Car and truck washwaters.

Waste duty: Reportable priority waste


Industrial wastewaters (excluding sewage) which meets conditions relating to wastewater reuse in a permission.

Waste duty: Priority waste


Fire debris and fire wash-waters excluding anything covered under item 79 under Schedule 5 of the Regulations 2021.


Waste oils, hydrocarbons, emulsions and transformer fluids excluding polychlorinated biphenyls.

Waste duty: Reportable priority waste


Waste oil/water, hydrocarbons/water mixtures or emulsions.

Waste duty: Reportable priority waste


Triple interceptor waste and stormwater contaminated with oil or hydrocarbon.

Waste duty: Reportable priority waste


Aqueous-based wastes from the production, formulation and use of paints, lacquers, varnish, inks, dyes and pigments.

Waste duty: Reportable Priority waste


Aqueous-based wastes from the production, formulation and use of resins, latex, plasticisers, glues and adhesives.

Waste duty: Reportable Priority waste



pH value of 10 or more, including caustic soda, alkaline cleaners and waste lime.

Waste duty: Reportable Priority waste


Sludges or slurries, including drilling muds other than item 102 under Schedule 5 of the Regulations 2021.

Waste duty: Priority waste

What can't we handle?

  • PFAS (or any derivatives)
  • PCBs
  • High caustic or high acid content liquids
  • High solid contents – such as rocks and concrete blocks.

Waste Declaration Forms

The Victorian Government has introduced statutory requirements to ensure the safe management of liquid waste. To enable this, from 14 February 2024 REMONDIS requires that an annual Waste Declaration Form is completed for each liquid waste type received at REMONDIS Dandenong South for disposal from our customers. 

We appreciate your support as we comply with this statutory requirement, ensuring liquid waste management is safer for all. We hope the following information will be helpful.

Industry risk matrix

All hazardous liquids must be handled with care and in compliance with regulatory requirements. The risk of contamination must be managed carefully, and some hazardous liquids present more risk of contamination than others. The following Industry Risk Matrix may assist in understanding the risks associated with the material under management, and is provided as a guide only.

Lower risk of contamination
  • Farms (animal free areas)
  • Parks / gardens
  • Residential estates / nature strips, subdivisions
  • Schools
  • Quarries
Medium risk of contamination
  • Chemical storage
  • Market gardens
  • Waste recycling facilities
  • Clean fill sites (imported soil)
  • Properties near contaminated sites
  • Other industrial activities
  • Fuel storage
  • Underground storage tank
High risk of contamination
  • Abattoir
  • Abrasive blasting
  • Airport
  • Asbestos production / disposal
  • Asphalt manufacturing
  • Automotive repair / engine works
  • Battery manufacturing / recycling
  • Bitumen manufacturing
  • Boat building / maintenance
  • Breweries / distilleries
  • Brickworks
  • Chemical manufacturing / storage
  • Cement manufacture
  • Ceramic works
  • Coke works
  • Compost manufacturing
  • Concrete batching
  • Council works depot
  • Defence works
  • Drum re-conditioning facility
  • Dry cleaning
  • Electrical / electrical components manufacture
  • Electricity generation / power station
  • Electroplating
  • Explosives industry
  • Fibreglass reinforced plastic manufacture
  • Fire training facility
  • Foundry
  • Fuel storage depot
  • Gasworks
  • Glass manufacture
  • Iron and steel works
  • Landfill sites / waste depots
  • Lime works
  • Metal coating
  • Metal finishing and treatments
  • Metal smelting / refining / finishing
  • Mining and extractive industries
  • Oil or gas production / refining
  • Pest control depots
  • Printing shops
  • Pulp or paper works
  • Roadways
  • Shooting or gun clubs
  • Scrap metal recovery
  • Service stations / fuel storage
  • Sewage treatment plant
  • Site of industrial fire (PFAS)
  • Ship building / breaking yards
  • Shipping facilities
  • Stock dipping sites
  • Spray painting
  • Tannery (and associated trades)
  • Textile operations
  • Timber preserving / treatment
  • Train yard and lines
  • Tyre manufacturing
  • Underground storage tanks
  • Utility depots
  • Waste treatment / incineration / disposal
  • Wool scouring


Liquid waste services
PDF (English)
REMONDIS Dandenong Waste Declaration Form
Waste Declaration Form
PDF (English)

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REMONDIS Australia