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A Northern Quoll has been captured on camera over two nights at the Springmount Waste Management Facility near Mareeba, Far North Queensland
The survey is one of several biodiversity focused projects in our 2022 Sustainability Objectives & Targets
Springmount Waste Management Facility is a joint venture with fgf Developments
Wildlife Queensland’s Quoll Seekers Network recently headed to our Springmount Waste Management Facility (a joint venture with fgf Developments) in Far North Queensland, looking for Northern Quolls.
Project officers Paul, Luke and Jess set up infrared cameras then headed back to collect the cameras a week later, to see what had been captured on film.
We’ll have a full report shortly, but we were all excited by the initial findings reported informally once the team had returned to the site, removed the infrared cameras, and watched the footage.
A Northern Quoll was captured on camera, along with several other wildlife species.
To quote Wildlife Queensland, “The northern quoll (Dasyurus hallucatus) is a conservation-significant species, listed as endangered under federal environmental law. The species previously occurred across most of the northern third of Australia, but its range has declined significantly. In Queensland, they are found from about Cooktown to Rockhampton with core populations in rocky and/or high rainfall areas.”
We’re thrilled to see Northern Quolls at our site and look forward to enhancing their environment so that we might see more of them in the years to come.
This survey is one of several biodiversity-focused projects in REMONDIS Australia's 2022 Sustainability Objectives & Targets, aligned with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal #SDG11 which focuses on Sustainable Cities and Communities.
The relevant 2022 Objective is:
REMONDIS uses the UN's SDG framework, combined with local materiality assessments, to focus its ambitions. The company’s sustainability practice is overseen by Chief Technical Officer and REMONDIS Australia Director Alex Hatherly, with Environment and Sustainability Manager Helen McCarthy and her team.
The company’s 2021 Sustainability Report, containing a full list of past and current Objectives and Targets, can be viewed right here.
Beautiful whiptail wallabies were also captured on the camera traps.
To quote Wildlife Queensland, "The whiptail wallaby (Macropus parryi) is the most beautiful and boldly marked of mid-sized kangaroos, having a ‘pretty’ delicate face with a prominent white stripe and ear tips, a white stripe on the cheek, and a long tail that tapers to a whip-like end (where it gets its name from). Discontinuous populations are found from the south of Cooktown to the north-eastern New South Wales border, from coastal areas to the western edge of the Great Dividing Range. The wallaby’s preferred forested habitat on undulating land in coastal and subcoastal northern New South Wales and Queensland is increasingly affected by urban development. Populations in the eastern Darling Downs and Brigalow Belt have been severely fragmented or lost."
You can follow Wildlife Queensland on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/wildlifequeensland/
Media enquiries
Repute Communications
Matthew Watson
M +61 417 691 884